Y, OSANAI. (2020) .Classification of workplace bullying as a type of internal impropriety - Comparison with the structure of bullying in Japanese schools - The 59th Annual Convention of the
Taiwan Psychological Association.
Yuki Osanai & Jun Konno (2016). Measurement of the Image for Intention of Organ Donation 『The 31st International Congress of Psychology』 Yokohama, Japan
Yuki Osanai (2010). Is apathy a kind of laziness? : A case study using Ecological Momentary Assessment of a Japanese university student,『International Congress of Applied Psychology』,
Melbourne, Australia.
Yuki Osanai (2010). A Relationship between Perceived Apathy and Mental Health among Japanese university students, 『International Congress of Applied Psychology』, Melbourne, Australia.
Yuki Osanai (2010). The Effects of Work Values on Marriage Retirement Desire among Female Japanese University Students, 『International Congress of Applied Psychology』, Melbourne, Australia.
Yuki Osanai (2009). The Effects of Public Self-Consciousness on Domain-Specific Apathy among Japanese University Students 『Joint Conference 2009 of the 50th Annual Meeting of the
Japanese Society of Social Psychology and the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association』 Osaka University, Osaka.
Yuki Osanai (2008). Basic study on apathy focus on its relationship to depression, 『6th International Conference of Cognitive Science』 Yonsei University, Korea